Career Transition

Help Your Employees to Manage Change and Navigate Next Steps

As a confidential, neutral third party, we can provide personal and professional support services. These services support employees during the transition process, while taking the human factor into account.

No approach is ever cookie - cutter, however, here are a variety of ways we can be helpful. We can customize services that work for your organization and budget.

Ready to get your organization started?

Programs for People-Centered Organizations.

Job search workshops and individual programs

Restructuring, downsizing, outsourcing, position elimination, location closing(s), wrong cultural fit and performance issues are undeniably some of the most challenging realities of today’s business environment. When unemployment rates are at an all-time low, businesses cannot afford to lose the talent they have or negatively impact their brand in the community. To that end, we offer both group workshops and individual programs to help our clients:

  • Address any personal challenges that could create a real or perceived barrier in job search

  • Create a job search strategy

  • Maximize the use of technology in their job search

  • Sharpen their networking skills

  • Create marketing materials to best showcase their maretable experience and skills

  • Interviewing practice and negotiating an offer

Engage Employees During the Working Notice Period

Our unique workshops support both the teams that remain and the teams that will be ending employment at a future date. Delivered by an outside neutral third party provides a confidential sounding board to help not just the affected employee, but also their co-workers, team leaders and HR staff.

Train & Prepare Your Leadership

For leaders who will participate in the notification process we offer workshops to assist with an understanding of the notification process and effective communication. Leaders of your organization will receive pointers to help them with organization recovery and post-notification meetings.

Everyone Benefits.  

Career transition services not only assist those who receive the benefit, but also those employees who will continue to work for your organization. The last impression with departing employees is important. With a positive transition, your former employees are more inclined to refer potential applicants or customers. And, your remaining employees are more inclined to refer potential new employees, when they feel that their employer cares about its workforce.

Are you ready to experience the benefits?

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